As a home inspector, you know that things don’t always go according to plan and sometimes the results can be costly. While most claims against home inspectors concern professional liability for the inspection itself, other claims do occur.
General liability claims home inspectors face are less common, but still occur. It’s important to know the difference between professional liability claims and general liability claims and ensure you are protected against both.
Here are some examples of professional liability claims and the less-common general liability claims home inspectors face and what to do about both:
Professional Liability Claims
Most claims faced by inspectors involve professional liability. These have to do with the inspection itself. Homeowners can allege that the home inspector:
- Performed an inspection that was incomplete
- Missed a fault or defect that resulted in costly repairs
- Failed to communicate important findings and advice
Examples of professional liability claims are numerous, and include:
- Roof damage that contributes to leaks or mold
- Foundation defects that lead to basement water intrusion
- Water damage caused by flooding
Professional liability lawsuits can happen even when a home inspector hasn’t done anything wrong.
General Liability Claims
Unlike professional liability, general liability claims don’t question the completeness or accuracy of your inspection. Instead, these claims have to do with property damage or bodily injury to a third party that occur during or as a result of the inspection.
There are many ways you could end up facing a general liability claim. Common property damage claims involve:
- Broken garage doors
- Frozen and burst pipes
- Damaged ceilings
- Indoor flooding or water damage
- Damaged property of the homeowner
- Losses due to a tripped breaker or power surge
Bodily injury claims involve allegations of liability for someone getting injured due to the inspection. For example, a homeowner, real estate agent or home buyer could trip over your tools or equipment or a piece of furniture you moved during the inspection. People can also get hurt by falling objects during your inspection.
General Liability Protection
If property damage or an injury happens at a work site or client location as a result of the inspection, you could be held liable. General liability claims are costly, averaging more than $75,000 to defend and settle if you have to go to court. This is why it’s important to have general liability insurance to protect you and your home inspection business.
General Liability coverage from Lockton Affinity is designed to meet the risks you face as a home inspector. Our goal is to provide you with unique insurance solutions and service that stands out above the rest. With Lockton Affinity, you can ensure you and your business are protected against general liability claims and professional liability claims.
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